Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Nicky Morgan vows to ease needless bureaucracy for teachers

Nicky Morgan vows to ease needless bureaucracy for teachers
A The education secretary has promised teachers she will tackle unnecessary bureaucracy in schools by establishing working groups on marking, lesson planning and pupil data, following years of complaints from those in the profession.
B Nicky Morgan said she would ask the three committees to look at the administrative burden faced by teachers and school leaders. She suggested teachers could reduce workload simply by not answering emails after 5pm. “Teachers and leaders have told us that much of the work they do every day – such as marking, planning and tracking pupil progress – is essential, but that it’s the volume, duplication, bureaucracy or detail that can prove unnecessary or unproductive,” Morgan said. “So that’s why we’ll be setting up new working groups to address the three biggest concerns that teachers raised in the workload challenge: marking, planning and resources, and data management.”
C Morgan warned that “there’s only so much that government can do to reduce workload and that the real battle is about changing behaviour”. The three working parties will look at schools that have developed effective techniques without generating unnecessary workload, and recommend models for other schools to follow. “I can say that the working parties will be made up of frontline professionals who will look at these key areas and produce real and concrete recommendations for the department, for schools and for heads to minimize unnecessary workload,” Morgan said.
D In recent years teachers have complained about the adoption of double and triple marking of student work as a means of giving feedback to pupils, encouraged by Ofsted inspectors. Lesson planning is one of the most time-consuming areas of preparation, according to many classroom teachers. Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said it was a key issue. “The workload challenge can be solved by more intelligent accountability, better planning and fewer changes from government,” Hobby said.
E In her speech, Morgan also made a further plea for retired professionals to consider retraining as teachers, as unions and school leaders warn of a recruitment crisis. “But I stand by that statement, because just as I want dynamic young graduates to bring their energy into the classroom, so too do I want those with years of experience in a range of careers to bring their wealth of knowledge into the classroom as well. I believe that those at the end of their careers have a huge amount to offer our classrooms.”
Adjusted to (1)

tackle – poprat se
burden – břemeno, zátěž
accountability – zodpovědnost
plea – žádost, prosba

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Morgan wants to reduce workload
2 Morgan calls for help of retired teachers
3 Workload and Hobby’s recommendation
4 Bureaucracy in schools should be reduced
5 Morgan wants to establish three committees

2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What is bureaucracy in schools?
2 Who is Nicky Morgan? What does she say about administrative burden of teachers?
3 How does she want to solve the situation?
4 What do teachers complain about?
5 Why does Morgan call for retired professionals?

3) Explain the following words and phrases.
1 reduce workload
2 marking, planning and tracking pupil progress
3 frontline professionals
4 lesson planning is one of the most time-consuming
5 consider retraining as teachers

4) Answer the following questions.
What are duties and responsibilities of a classroom teacher? What are duties and responsibilities of a preschool teacher? What are their everyday activities?


Tips, sources of information:

ADAMS, Richard. Nicky Morgan vows to ease needless bureaucracy for teachers. The Guardian [online]. 2015 [cit. 2015-09-20]. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/ education/2015/jul/29/education-nicky-morgan-unnecessary-bureaucracy-teachers

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