Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Poll: Majority of Czechs oppose ban on physical punishment

Poll: Majority of Czechs oppose ban on physical punishment
A Last month the Minister for Human Rights and Minorities Džamila Stehlíková proposed legislation which would ban the spanking or smacking of children on the grounds that in some cases such treatment can border on child abuse. The introduction of such legislation would see the Czech Republic join other EU countries, including neighbouring Germany. But so far, a majority of ordinary Czechs have said they are against such a move.
B Most Czech parents don’t think twice about spanking a naughty child, even in public, but that could soon change. Last month the Minister for Human Rights and Minorities Džamila Stehlíková proposed the Czech Republic join a number of EU countries sending a clear and resounding message: that physical punishment of children will not be tolerated. So far in the Czech Republic debate on the subject has been heated: critics say the country already has sufficient legislation on child abuse. On the other hand, there are many who think that an outright ban couldn’t hurt.
C Zuzana Baudyšová is the head of the Our Child Foundation supporting the rights of children: “It’s true that the proposal is somewhat provocative and it has caused a stir: but I don’t think such legislation can hurt. It can only help children who are at risk of severe physical and even psychological abuse. Parents who are unafraid to cross the line would know in the future that such behaviour is forbidden. At the same time, I admit there are moments when a mild spanking is better than some psychological forms of punishment, such as grounding or the silent treatment.”
D Other child psychologists agree an out-and-out ban would be a good thing, arguing that physical punishment can have negative effects on one’s upbringing. But many parents disagree: in a poll released by the newspaper Lidové noviny, three-fifths of respondents said they were against such legislation. Only a quarter said they ever resorted to occasional physical punishment and only its milder forms: a light cuff on the ear or smack on the bottom.
E Zuzana Baudyšová again: “Mrs Stehlíková is the first minister to stand up directly for children’s rights. The current legislation on child abuse doesn’t outline fully forms of abuse. And it would be beneficial to outline exactly what is forbidden. It is also important that any new legislation not just cover the situation in homes but also in schools and other institutions.” Mrs Baudyšová stresses that cases of even the severest abuse are not uncommon. Tragically 20 toddlers in the Czech Republic last year alone were tortured to death by their parents.
Adjusted to (1)

outright – naprostý
stir – rozruch
ground – dát domácí vězení
out-and-out – naprostý

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Abused children would be protected
2 Opinion poll
3 Spanking children in public might be illegal
4 Reasons why the legislation is important
5 A new legislation banning child abuse

2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What does the new legislation deal with?
2 What is the public opinion of the topic?
3 What do Zuzana Baudyšová and Džamila Stehlíková stand for?
4 Is there a similar legislation in EU countries?
5 Who could be mainly helped by the new legislation?

3) Explain the following words and phrases.
1 ban the spanking or smacking of children
2 naughty child
3 child abuse
4 such behaviour is forbidden
5 upbringing

4) Answer the following questions.
What is child abuse? What are types and examples of abuse? Who takes part in child abuse? How can be abused children helped? Which organisations could help them?


Tips, sources of information:

VELINGER, Jan. Linka bezpečí marks 20 years of helping children. Český rozhlas [online]. 2008 [cit. 2015-09-21]. Available at:

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