Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Training centre for children and youth opens in Atiquizaya

Training centre for children and youth opens in Atiquizaya
A The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Municipality of Atiquizaya and members of the Izcaquilio community opened the Vocational and Recreational Youth Center, which will benefit 600 children and youth from the community and 1,200 families from surrounding areas.
B Construction of the center began in September 2013 with a total investment of $101,408 ($75,000 from USAID and $26,408 from the municipality and the Salvadoran Foundation for Development and Minimum Housing, FUNDASAL, in charge of implementing the project). The center has five rooms for vocational courses in computing, music, tutoring, among others, providing more opportunities for at-risk children and youth.
C Due to the excellent performance in managing its resources, Atiquizaya was one of 20 winning municipalities of the Domestic Finance for Development initiative, funded by the U.S. government and implemented by the USAID Municipal Competitiveness Project. The initiative encourages developing countries to mobilize financial resources to lower levels of corruption, reform tax systems and better manage their expenses. In this case, the contest award was used to build a center for vocational training, recreation, sports and cultural activities for children and youth.
D This initiative contributes to the goals of the Partnership for Growth, announced by President Barack Obama during his visit to El Salvador and signed by the Government of El Salvador and the U.S. Government in November 2011. Through the Partnership for Growth, the United States is working with El Salvador to achieve greater security and prosperity for Salvadoran families.
E Jason Seuc, Acting Director of the USAID/El Salvador Economic Growth Office, congratulated the citizens of the Izcaquilio community and Atiquizaya for obtaining the best performance in the 2013 Municipal Competitiveness Index, conducted among 108 municipalities nationwide. The opening ceremony was chaired by the Mayor of Atiquizaya, Ana Luisa Rodriguez de Gonzalez; Jason Seuc, and Isabel Moreno, a community leader. Members of the Municipality of Atiquizaya, FUNDASAL and Izcaquilio residents also attended the event.
municipality – samostatná správní jednotka, obecní úřad
funded by – financovaný

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 US agency opened a youth centre in Salvador
2 The opening ceremony was seen by many
3 Contract between US and Salvadorian governments
4 Atiquizaya won a contest
5 Costs and description of the centre

2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What did the Municipality of Atiquizaya succeed in?
2 What do we know about the Domestic Finance for Development?
3 What do we know about the center? Costs? Equipment?
4 What did President Barack Obama do?
5 Why could the community of Atiquizaya be very happy?

3) Explain the following words and phrases.
1 Vocational and Recreational Youth Center
2 at-risk children and youth
3 vocational training
4 achieve greater security and prosperity
5 opening ceremony

4) Answer the following questions.
What is an excluded locality? What does everyday life look like there? What problems do they have? Who helps the people there? How does our school cooperate with Roma children? What is the difference between mainstream and practical schools? How are Roma preschoolers supported to attend mainstream schools?


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