Tuesday, 5 February 2019

New children, youth empowerment centre

New children, youth empowerment centre
A Change is coming to Chalkfarm and Godwin Larbi is proud to be part of it. Born and raised in the four-tower building complex near Jane Street and Wilson Avenue, the 20-year-old is a program leader with Doorsteps Neighbourhood Services, which has collaborated with four partners to set up a children and youth centre.
B The centre was officially opened last week. “What is happening here today represents change in a good way,” said Larbi, who will use the money from this full-time job to enter Ryerson University next year to pursue a teaching career. “Through the programs here, young people have a chance to learn self-discipline and how to be better in school. I have seen all the negative stuff, but now we are moving in the right direction and I am so happy to be part of that process. This is a good day.”
C Fed up with violent crimes, residents made it clear they wanted a facelift for their community that should include a space for children to be engaged in recreation and other after-school activities. Morris Beckford, the executive director of Doorsteps Neighbourhood Services said: “Of the nearly 4,000 residents in these four buildings, I would say that about 40 per cent are kids.” Beckford and his team equipped the centre with a computer literacy room, reading space, a community kitchen and a boxing gym and fitness centre.
D “This is a dream come true,” said broadcaster and former boxer Charles “Spider” Jones. “It’s fantastic when you could have centres where young people could go instead of hanging out on the street and being seduced by crime. The kids need to see options and know that there is another way through education. They can’t do it on their own when they are at a young age. They need to have mentors who can instill values and work ethic and put them on a path to make good choices,” Jones talks from experience. As a gang member he turned his life around at an advanced age to fulfill his dream of becoming a broadcaster. “We have to teach our kids how to set goals and stay on track. We want to teach them how to create their own opportunity through education and good mentorship… This centre is crime prevention. I spent seven years in jail and I know that when you follow that path, you end up behind bars or in a grave.”
E School program coordinator, Adam Ali, said the centre is a welcomed addition to the community. “I am looking forward to making this space a place where community residents can enhance their health and well-being,” said Ali, who was raised in the community. “This will ultimately make for a more vibrant community, increasing the quality of life. The centre will operate from 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. between September and June and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the summer. ”
Adjusted to (1)

facelift – nova tvář, lepší vzhled
seduce – svádět
instill – vštípit
vibrant – pulzující, plný života

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Jones knows a lot about crime
Beckford – the director
3 Change is coming to a four-tower building complex
4 Larbi’s opinion
5 Ali thinks the centre will contribute to the happier life of the community

2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 Who is Godwin Larbi? What does he think?
2 What kind of centre has been opened? Who opened it?
3 Who is Morris Beckford? What does he say?
4 What do you know about Charles “Spider” Jones?
5 What does the school coordinator say?

3) Explain the following words and phrases.
children and youth centre
pursue a teaching career
learn self-discipline
after-school activities
integrate into mainstream education

4) Answer the following questions.
What are differences between Czech and US children and youth centres? What are their typical activities? Why are these centres important? Where do they get money from? What do you know about children and youth criminality prevention?


Tips, sources of information:

FUNFAIR, Ron. New children, youth empowerment centre. Share News [online]. 2012 [cit. 2015-09-20]. Available at: http://sharenews.com/new-children-and-youth-empowerment-centre-opens/

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