Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Minister pushes guaranteed right to preschool

Minister pushes guaranteed right to preschool
A The Czech government is planning a major overhaul of the country’s preschool education system. The final year of preschool should be compulsory, while children at the age of two would be entitled to a place in nursery school. But the country currently lack some 60,000 places in preschool facilities, and officials are not very clear on how to secure funding for these ambitious plans.
B The Czech minister for human rights and equal opportunities, Jiří Dienstbier, announced that besides poverty, social housing, equal access to education and other issues, he would like to grant two-year-old Czech children the right to be placed in preschool. He said other countries had successfully introduced similar arrangements which he sees as crucial for implementing the policy of equal opportunities. If children are entitled to start preschool at the age of two, adults would no longer have to choose between pursuing their careers and starting a family. But the Czech Republic chronically lacks places in preschools and kindergartens; this year, some 60,000 children could not be placed to these facilities due to lack of capacity.
C The government also plans to make the final year of kindergarten compulsory, which would require an increase in the number of preschool facilities. Most of them are run by municipalities which would certainly require additional funding. The human rights minister was not very specific about how the government wants to achieve that.
D The Czech Republic’s Union of Town and Municipalities welcomes these ideas but says that first, a detailed plan needs to be put forward for a debate. The mayor of Chomutov Jan Mareš is deputy head of the union. “We certainly do not oppose the idea. But there are several issues that need to be resolved. Another problem that would need to be addressed is what should be done with the increased capacities once the number of children at preschool age drops again.”
E Minister Dienstbier says his plan should be implemented within the next two or three years. Meanwhile, the government has scrapped a proposal put forth by the previous cabinet which saw the establishment of “childrens groups” as a way addressing insufficient capacities in preschool facilities. But these groups would only provide babysitting, and are not deemed a suitable substitute for regular kindergartens.
Adjusted to (1)
overhaul – revise
pursue – věnovat se
scrap – zrušit

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Children might attend preschools from the age of 2
2 Problems have to be solved first
3 The last year of preschool education might be compulsory
4 Our country does not have enough places in preschools
5 The plan should be implemented soon

2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What is the situation concerning preschool education in the Czech Republic like?
2 What changes are to be made? Why? When?
3 Which problems might be faced? Why?
4 What are the opinions of the government and municipalities concerning the changes?

3) Explain the following words and phrases.
1 be entitled to a place in nursery school
2 equal access to education
3 to lack places in preschools and kindergartens
4 plans to make the final year of kindergarten compulsory
5 the number of children at preschool age drops again

4) Answer the following questions.
What are possibilities of preschool education? What are their pros and cons? What do you think about the situation of preschool system today and changes to be put forward? How would you solve it? What are types of preschool alternative education?


Tips, sources of information:

RICHTER, Jan. Minister pushes guaranteed right to preschool. Český rozhlas [online]. 2014 [cit. 2015-09-22]. Available at:

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